Use interrupt

 To use an interrupt pin on an Arduino and display different content on an OLED when a button is pressed, you can follow these steps:

Connect the Button: Connect your button to a digital input pin on the Arduino. Ensure that you have the necessary pull-up or pull-down resistors based on your button configuration.

Connect the OLED: Connect the OLED display to the Arduino using the appropriate communication protocol (e.g., I2C or SPI). Refer to the documentation or datasheet of your OLED display for the pin connections.

Install Libraries: Install the necessary libraries for your OLED display and button. For example, you can use the "Adafruit_SSD1306" library for the OLED display and the "Bounce2" library for button debouncing.

Initialize the OLED: In your Arduino sketch, initialize the OLED display by setting up the necessary parameters and initializing the display. Refer to the library documentation for specific initialization instructions.

Configure Interrupt: Configure the interrupt pin on your Arduino. Use the "attachInterrupt()" function to attach an interrupt handler to the button's pin. The interrupt handler function will be executed whenever the button is pressed.

const int buttonPin = 2;

volatile bool buttonPressed = false;

void handleInterrupt() {

  buttonPressed = true;


void setup() {

  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(buttonPin), handleInterrupt, FALLING);

  // Initialize OLED display here


void loop() {

  if (buttonPressed) {

    // Perform actions or change OLED display content

    // based on button press

    // Reset buttonPressed flag

    buttonPressed = false;



In this example, we configure the interrupt on the button pin (pin 2) with the FALLING edge trigger. When the button is pressed and the interrupt is triggered, the handleInterrupt() function sets the buttonPressed flag to true.

Change OLED Display Content: In the loop() function, check the buttonPressed flag. When the flag is set, perform the desired actions or change the content on the OLED display accordingly. You can use conditional statements or a counter to alternate between different display contents based on the number of button presses.

Remember to customize the code according to your specific OLED display and button configuration. Additionally, consider implementing debouncing techniques to handle multiple interrupts caused by button bouncing. The provided example gives you a starting point, but you may need to modify it based on your specific requirements and hardware setup.


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