Web and app testing

 Web and app testing are essential parts of the software development process to ensure that the web or mobile application functions correctly, meets the user's needs, and is free from errors and bugs.

Web testing involves testing websites to ensure that they are functional and user-friendly, and that they work correctly on different browsers and devices. Web testing may include checking the functionality of links, forms, and other interactive elements, as well as testing for performance and security issues.

App testing, on the other hand, involves testing mobile applications to ensure that they work correctly on different devices and platforms, including Android and iOS. App testing may include functional testing, performance testing, and security testing.

Both web and app testing require a range of testing techniques, such as manual testing, automated testing, and exploratory testing. The goal of testing is to identify any issues or bugs in the application, so that they can be fixed before the application is released to users.

Overall, web and app testing are critical to ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications, and they play a crucial role in improving the user experience and driving the success of digital products.


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